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Friday, October 8, 2021

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How to Use and Navigate Through the Wiki   
Page last modified on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:50 AM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:35 PM)
Assigned to: Insight Wiki How-To's
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Welcome to the Contract Insight Documentation Wiki!

Please thoroughly read this page for instructions on how to use and navigate through the Documentation Wiki.  After reading, if you should still have questions about how to navigate through the Wiki, please then contact 

This wiki provides quick and easy searching through out the Contract Insight documentation. To begin using this wiki, this overview page will review the basics of what functionality can be found within CobbleStone's Contract Insight Documentation Wiki.

First lets look at a breakdown of the layout of the wiki as shown in the image below:

1. Top Navigation Menu:
The top navigation provides quick access to the main areas of the wiki.

    a. The Home Page (this page) 
    b. Quick Links (Searching, Table of Contents, Generate Manual, FAQ, and Video Tutorials)
    c. The button to view the Wiki Table of Contents
    d. The button to view available video tutorials
    e. The help button to contact support

2. Version Selection:
The version selection dock provides the version for the wiki you are currently viewing. it is broken down into 2 components;  Version Selection/Display and the Version Release Date.

    a. Contract Insight Version: Contract Insight version corresponding with the wiki page you are currently viewing 
    b. Version Released On: The release date of the selected version of Contract Insight.

3. Search:
The quick navigation dock allows you to access any area of the wiki within a click of a button. Within this dock, you can:

    a. Search Text:  A string of text for which to search the CobbleStone wiki

4. Wiki Navigation:
The wiki navigation dock allows easy navigation among topics and pages within the wiki. This display provides views into the following:

    a.  The broad topic (or book)
    b.  The narrow topic (or chapter)
    c.  The specific topic (or page)

5. Wiki Page Details Display:
The wiki page details display is where you will have access to all the information associated to and/or related to the wiki page you are currently viewing. This display provides views into the following:

    a.  General information about the wiki page you are currently viewing. (such as the title and last modified by)
    b.  Docks for the page's content, search tags/keywords, linked wiki pages, attached files and in some cases the page's initial product version.
    c.  Link to the Generate Manual page.
    d.  Link to viewing the wiki page in a print view format.
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