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E-Signature Flow/Groups - Document Generation   
Page last modified on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 8:04 AM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Friday, November 16, 2012 4:13 PM)
Assigned to: E-Signature - Document Generation
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E-Signature - Document Generation: Flow/Groups

The next screen falls under the E-Signature section on the menu and allows authorized users to set and/or add participants to E-Signature Processes that were defined on the template side.  

From this screen, users can perform the following actions:

1. Add Participant: Authorized users can add participants to an E-Signature Process Step that has already been created. Participants can be individual internal users, roles & groups and/or client/vendor contacts.

Users cannot create new E-Signature Process Step on a generated Document Package. That is handled on the template side.

2. Set Participant: Authorized users can alter or set participants to an already existing E-Signature Process Step. Participants can be individual internal users, roles & groups and/or client/vendor contacts.

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