AppConfig: System Health Check
The System Health Check page allows users to look into various areas of the system, particularly regarding how removing fields and records can sometimes cause problems in other areas. It is accessed by navigating to: Manage/Setup > Application Configuration > System Health Check.

Record Counts: Displays the general count of how many records are present in the various areas of the system.
Employees/Users with Managers Assigned To Missing Employees: Detail any Employees who had a Manager assigned but had the Manager deleted before being unassigned.
Employees/Users Active with No Permissions Set via +Permissions: Detail any Employees who are set to Active, but have no Permissions assigned, whether Individually or via Security Groups. If an Employee is Active, it implies they would be logging into the System, but they won’t be able to do anything without Permissions.
Note: This does not apply to System Admin Users.
Employees/Users assigned to Departments but Department is now Missing: Detail any Employees that had a Department assigned, but the Department was then deleted before being unassigned.
Workflows with Tasks Escalating to Missing Employees: Detail any Workflows that have Tasks escalating to an Employee, but that Employee was then deleted.
Workflows with Tasks Assigned to Missing Employees: Detail any Workflows that have Tasks assigned to an Employee, but that Employee was then deleted.
Workflows conditions With Fields Condition Issues: Detail any Workflows that have Field Conditions which would cause issues.
Ad Hoc Reports with Fields that were Deleted from Field Manager: Detail any Ad-Hoc Reports that have fields assigned, but the field(s) was then deleted before being unassigned.