Application Configuration: Config Settings
Configuration Group: Solicitations
The Solicitations configuration group includes application
configuration settings for the basic setup and management of the
Solicitation Details screen and it's components.

Attachments Group:
Keep Attached Files When Solicitation Record is Deleted: If set to True, Solicitation Files/Attachments will be kept if the Solicitation Record is deleted.
Calculations Group:
Auto-Calculate the Contract Amount: If set to True, the Solicitation Amount field will auto-calculate from the Price/Cost Schedule line items listed in the Solicitation Record.
Emails Group:
Email Body - Vendor Awarded Email: Allows a System Administrator to set a template used in emails to awarded vendors.
Email Body Default Content: Allows a System Administrator to set the default text content used in the Email body when a user sends an email from a Solicitation/Procurement Record.
Email Body Intro Default Content for Q&As: Allows a System Administrator to set the default text content used in the Email body introduction when a user sends an email for Questions and Answers from a Solicitation/Procurement record.