Contract Details: Send E-mail from Contract Record
Contract Insight allows users to send one-off e-mails to users and non-users of the system from each individual record's Contract Details page. To access the Send E-mail screen, navigate to any Contract Record Details screen and click E-mail on the side menu. The Send E-mail screen displays.

The right-hand box will automatically populate with e-mail addresses for all internal and external company contacts. To send e-mails to specific individuals, select each e-mail address and click Assign to add them to the Recipient List. Optionally, manually enter e-mail addresses to the Copy To section so other users can receive a copy of the email. Users then have the option to customize a message and optionally attach files from the Files/Attachments section of the contract record. Once done crafting the message and attaching the necessary files (if required), click Send E-mail to send the e-mail to the assigned recipients.
Note: Any time a on-off email is sent, a note is added to that record's Notes/Comments section.
The Send E-mail functionality also includes configurable e-mail templates for standardization and ease of use. To utilize an existing e-mail template, select the desired template from the drop-down list above the Message box. To configure a new e-mail template, click the gear icon ( ) next to the drop-down menu.
Note: Only Application Administrators can add/delete templates.
The E-mail Template Manager list will appear. To add a new template, click Add Record on the top-left of the module. The Template Creator displays.