Application Configuration: Config Settings
Configuration Group:Requests
The Requests configuration group includes application configuration settings for the basic setup and management of the Contract Details screen and its components.

Contracts Group:
Copy Contract Request Files to Contract Record: If set to True, Contract Request files are copied to a Contract Record when generated from the request.
Select Request Files when Creating a Contract Record: If set to True, users must manually select the files to copy from a Contract Request to a Contract record when created from the request.
Show/Hide Score Card Summary on Contract Details Screen: If set to True, the system displays the Vendor Score Care Summary on the details screen of a contract created from a request.
General Group:
Display Link for Request Tasks: If set to True, a link on the task alert appears on the email notification.
Enable System Emails for Requests: This setting enables/disables system emails associated with the changing of a request status.
Line Item Type for PO and Request: Select if line items are added as free text of as a selection from the Catalog & Items setup area.
Reply To Address for Request Tasks: Indicate the email address used as the Reply To on all scheduled Request related Task Email alerts.
Show Budget/Spend Alerts on Request Details Screen: If set to True, budget/spend alert warnings display on the top of the Request Details screen provided the Optional Purchase Order Module has been purchased and configured.
One-Off Emails Group:
Append Vendor/Customer Name to Email Subject: If set to True, the vendor's name is appended to the end of request one-off email message subject lines.
Tasks Group:
Email Body Beginning Text: Specify the beginning text for the body of Request related email alerts.
Email Body Ending Text: Specify the ending text for the body of Request related email alerts.
Email Subject Line: Specify the text to append to the subject line of Request Task Email alerts.
Include Request Record Info: Set to True to display request information on all request related task email messages.
Timers Group:
Request Tasks Email Timer: Set how often Request Tasks Email alerts are sent (in minutes). Set to zero (0) to disable.
Request Task Escalation Timer: Set how often escalations to Request Tasks Email alerts are checked (in minutes). Set to zero (0) to disable.