Vendor/Company Details: Notes
Contract Insight provides users with the ability to add notes and comments for companies on the Company Details screen.
Add a Note
1. Access the company’s notes section by either clicking Notes of the Company Details screen, or by scrolling down the page to that section.

2. Either method goes to the Notes, Comments, Diary Log section of the Company Details screen.

3. To add a note to the company record, type the note into the Word-like text editor.
4. Click Save Note.
5. The note displays below the notes repository.
Edit/Delete a Note

1. Click Edit next to the note to modify.
2. Perform any changes.
3. Click Save Note.
1. Click Delete for the line item to remove.
2. Confirm the removal.
To Add a Hyperlink Note
1. Click the Hyperlink Manager Icon on the Files Notes & Comments section.

2. Enter the web address, hyperlink text, and other required data. When finished, click OK.

3. The hyperlink text appears in the note. Click Save Note to save the hyperlink
