Contract Attachments: Attachment Level Viewing Privileges
CobbleStone allows the Application Administrator to allow/restrict users’ attachment viewing privileges.
Note: Prior to activating the attachment level viewing restrictions, all authorized viewers of the current contract record will have full attachment level viewing privileges.
To activate attachment level viewing permissions:
1. Click the Toolbox icon next to the file name for the line item for which to edit users’ attachment viewing privileges.

2. Click Lock/Unlock Access.

3. The Document Level Security: Assign Employees screen displays.

4. To assign an employee the permission to view the attachment, select the name of the employee in the Available Employees box and click the Blue Left Arrow to add the employee’s name to the Assigned Employees box.
Note: Employees in the Assigned Employees box have permission to view the attachment. Be sure to add yourself as an Assigned Employee so you are able to view the attachment.
5. To remove an employee’s permission to view the attached file, select the employee’s name in the Assigned Employees box and click the Red Right Arrow.