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Contract Insight Version:
Version Released On:
Friday, October 8, 2021

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  02. Security: Management
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Employee/User Permissions

  04. Security Groups
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Employee/User Permissions

  Custom SubTables
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

  Manage Application Data
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config Wizard

  Ad-Hoc Wizard Overview
Manual: 11. End Users: Ad-Hoc Reports/Searches
Section(s): Ad-Hoc Report Wizard: Legacy Reports

  View/Run This Ad-Hoc Report
Manual: 11. End Users: Ad-Hoc Reports/Searches
Section(s): Ad-Hoc Report Wizard: Legacy Reports

  Field Mapper
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

  1.1 Vendor/Client Gateway Overview
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 1: Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration

  Bulk Import Data
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

  Bulk Import: Contract Attachments
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

  2.1 Contract & Committal Fields
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 2: Managing Gateway Fields

  Manage Global Header & Footer
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

  Configuration Group: Employees
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config: Configuration Groups

  Configuration Group: Security
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config: Configuration Groups

  Create a Contract from a Contract Request
Manual: 09. End User: Contract Requests
Section(s): Contract Request Process

  Exporting a Basic Template
Manual: 07. End Users: Contracts
Section(s): Contract Basic Templates

  1.4 Managing Content on the Gateway
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 1: Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration

  1.5 Managing Emails on the Gateway
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 1: Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration

  1.6 Additional Gateway Configuration Settings
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 1: Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration

  2.2 Solicitation & Procurement Fields
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 2: Managing Gateway Fields

  2.3 Contract & Committal Request Fields
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 2: Managing Gateway Fields

  2.4 Company Contacts & Users Fields
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 2: Managing Gateway Fields

  2.5 Vendor/Customer Information Fields
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 2: Managing Gateway Fields

  5.2 Adding a Contact/User through the Gateway
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 5: Vendors/Clients on the Gateway

  5.3 Logging In/Forgot Password
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 5: Vendors/Clients on the Gateway

  5.1 Creating an Account on the Gateway
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 5: Vendors/Clients on the Gateway

  Overview of Content on the Gateway
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Users: Using the Vendor/Client Gateway

  4.2 Activating a Company Contact Account
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 4: Managing Vendors/Clients on the Gateway

  5.4 Changing Your Password
Manual: Module: Vendor/Client Gateway
Section(s): Step 5: Vendors/Clients on the Gateway

  My Ad-Hoc Reports List Overview
Manual: 11. End Users: Ad-Hoc Reports/Searches
Section(s): Ad-Hoc Report List

  Manage PO Template
Manual: Module: Purchase Orders
Section(s): PO: Configuration & Setup

  Data Import Manager Overview
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Data Import Manager

  Mass Transfer Contracts From/To Employees
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Mass Transfers & Updates for Contracts

  Mass Update Contract Field Values
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Mass Transfers & Updates for Contracts

  Mass Transfer Contract Tasks
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Mass Transfers & Updates for Contracts

  Create New Import/Update Template
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Data Import Manager

  Downloading & Populating Import/Update Templates
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Data Import Manager

  Uploading & Processing Import/Update Templates
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Data Import Manager

  External E-Sign Setup
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config Wizard

  Configuration Group: SMS Messaging
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config: Configuration Groups

  Extract Text with VISDOM: Text/Phrase Recognition for One-Off Contracts
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): VISDOM & Risk Management

  Ad-Hoc Report Wizard: Overview
Manual: 11. End Users: Ad-Hoc Reports/Searches
Section(s): Ad-Hoc Report Wizard

  Email Inbox Monitoring
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Email Inbox Monitoring

  Cloud Drives
Manual: 04. End User General Information
Section(s): Header Area and Top & Side Menus

  Configuration Group: POP3 E-mail Drop Box
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): App Config: Configuration Groups

  Import Template for Items
Manual: Module: Purchase Orders
Section(s): Catalog Management

  Configuration & Data Migration Scripts
Manual: 03. Admin User Manual
Section(s): Account Maintenance

CobbleStone Software |  Contract Insight Wiki |  version:
CobbleStone Software is developed in the U.S.A.