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Partial Fill of an Individual Line Item   
Page last modified on Thursday, October 4, 2018 2:35 PM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Friday, August 24, 2018 9:49 AM)
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Purchase Orders: Partial Fill of an Individual Line Item

When receiving items from a processed purchase order, if the line item is not delivered in full, a partial receipt can be processed.

Receive a Partial Fill

1. Navigate to the desired Purchase Order Details screen. Scroll down to the PO Line Items area.

2. For the received item, click Partial.


3. A pop-up window displays. Enter the amount received and click Save Changes.


4. Close the pop-up window.

View Items Received

1. Scroll to the Purchase Order Items Received area of the Purchase Order Details screen.

2. The grid displays all items received.


3. Click View for the desired line item to view the details of the receipt.


Receiving Additional Items

When receiving additional items for a line item, the pop-up window shows the amount remaining for the purchase order.

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