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IP Address Restrictions   
Page last modified on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 11:31 AM (by Adam Widmeier) (initially created on Thursday, April 12, 2018 1:41 PM)
Assigned to: App Config Wizard
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AppConfig: IP Address Restrictions

To manage IP Address Restrictions, navigate to Manage/Setup > Application Configuration > IP Address Restrictions.




The Restrictions Status drop down determines whether or not IP Address Restrictions are being applied. It cannot be set to Enabled until IP Address Restrictions are specified.

The Restrictions Mode dropdown determines how the restrictions are applied.

  • Only ALLOW Specified IPs: The designated IP Addresses will be the only ones allowed to access your Contract Insight system.
  • Only DENY Specified IPs: The designated IP Addresses will be the only ones explicitly restricted from accessing your Contract Insight system.

Click Add to add an IP Address Range. Optionally, provide a Title/Description for the IP Address Range, as well as specify if it is Inactive. Inactive IP Address Ranges will not be able to apply unless made Active again.

After an IP Address Range is added, click Manage to edit its details or click Delete to remove it.

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