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Friday, October 8, 2021

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Progress Bar   
Page last modified on Friday, September 3, 2021 11:05 AM (by Adam Widmeier) (initially created on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8:07 AM)
Assigned to: Contract Details
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Contract Details: Progress Bar

The Progress Bar on a Contract Record illustrates how far along in the Contract Life Cycle that Contract Record is. If it is after the Effective Date, the bar will fill up until it reaches the Expiration Date and remains filled after the Expiration Date. For example:


The example Contract Record above was made Effective on 8/26/2021 and was set to expire on 2/28/2022. Based on the date the image was taken, the Progress Bar is barely filled up, and the text on its right side gives us further detail. We see that there are 178 days remaining, it will have been effective for 186 days total, about 6 months. On 2/28/2022, the Progress Bar will be entirely filled.

There is also a Progress Bar for Contract Tasks which fills up as Tasks are Completed.

One out of two Tasks above has been Completed, so the Progress Bar is filled 1/2 of the way. The text on its right side also confirms for us that one Task remains open.

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