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Filtering & Sorting Find/Search POs List   
Page last modified on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 12:16 PM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Monday, June 11, 2012 7:35 PM)
Assigned to: Searching Purchase Orders
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Purchase Orders: Filtering & Sorting the Find/Search POs Screen

The Find/Search POs screen can be filtered by entering the filter criteria into the appropriate column's text box and then clicking on the filter icon to determine how the screen will be filtered off the entered keyword.  

To Filter Off of a Text Column


To Filter Off of a Date Column


To remove the filter, click the filter icon and select the No Filter option.

To Sort the Results Grid

Click the column name once to sort the column in ascending order, a second time to sort the column in descending order, and a third time to remove the sort order from the results grid.


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