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Friday, October 8, 2021

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View Contract Records/Files from Search   
Page last modified on Thursday, July 29, 2021 10:31 AM (by Adam Widmeier) (initially created on Saturday, May 5, 2012 3:58 PM)
Assigned to: Find/Search Contracts
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Find/Search Contracts: View a Contract Record from Search

To view a Record's Contract Details screen from the Find/Search Contracts search results list, click View to the left of the Contract ID for the Contract line item.

The Contract Details screen for the Contract Record selected displays.

View a Record's Files/Attachments from the Search Results List:

Once a search on the Find/Search Contracts screen has been completed, a user can quickly view a Contract Record's Files/Attachments that have been attached/linked to the record.

Click the â–º caret to the left View link for the Contract Record line item to expand a list of the Files/Attachments.

To view a file/attachment in the list, click the File Name and select to Open or Save the file.

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CobbleStone Software |  Contract Insight Wiki |  version:
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