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04. Company/Vendor Rating & Scorecard   
Page last modified on Friday, September 14, 2018 11:42 AM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:37 PM)
Assigned to: Vendor/Customer Management
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Vendor/Customer Management: Company/Vendor Rating & Scorecard

Contract Insight Enterprise offers the ability to rate both an organization’s vendors and customers. Rating can be performed from both the vendor screen and the contract screen and, optionally, be tied to a specific contract and rating category. Over time, as the system collects more rating information for  vendors/clients and contracts, the system will automatically average the rating by rating category for a company and compare this versus an average of all companies in the system. This data is aggregated to create a Vendor Score Card

 Rate a Vendor

To rate a vendor or client (company), open the view Company Details from the Company List screen (alternately, select the Rating menu from a Contract Details screen).

Click Rate This Company.

Enter a new rating or scroll down to view existing ratings.


At the bottom of the Vendor/Client Rating screen, you can view, group, analyze, and print prior ratings.

Note: View a score card that compares the current company’s rating versus other company ratings in the system.

Score card


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