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04. Scheduled Jobs: Reports   
Page last modified on Friday, September 14, 2018 9:13 AM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Friday, October 21, 2011 12:39 PM)
Assigned to: App Config: Schedule Manager/Scheduled Jobs
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Scheduled Jobs: Reports

Select the Scheduled Jobs- Reports configuration group from the drop down menu on the Configuration Wizard: Application Configuration screen.

Reports: Email Body Text- Specify the text to be used in the body of legacy and ad-hoc report emails. (Default= "Attached is your scheduled report from Contract Insight.")

Reports: Email Subject Line- Specify the text to append to the subject line of legacy and ad-hoc report emails. (Default= "Contract Insight Report Delivery")

Reports: Emailer Timer- Set how often legacy and ad-hoc reports are sent (in hours)- Specify “0” to disable. (Default= '120')

Reports: Run Scheduled Legacy Reports- Set this option to True to specify if report scheduler should also be run against legacy reports (Compatibility setting for installs prior to 6/1/2011).

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