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06. Scheduled Jobs: Requests   
Page last modified on Friday, September 14, 2018 9:22 AM (by Nash DeVita) (initially created on Monday, April 16, 2018 1:19 PM)
Assigned to: App Config: Schedule Manager/Scheduled Jobs
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Scheduled Jobs: Requests

On the Configuration Wizard: Application Configuration Settings screen, from the Select Configuration Group drop down, select the Requests configuration group.

Contracts Group:

Copy Contract Request files to Contract Record- Copy Contract Request files to Contract Record when a new Contract Record is created from a Contract Request.

Select Request Files when creating a Contract record- When creating a contract from a request, manually select which files will be copied from the request to the contract.

Show / Hide Score Card Summary on Contract Details Screen- When this is set to True the system will display the Vendor Score Card Summary on Contract Details Screen.

General Group:

Display Link for Request Tasks - Display link to Request Task record in email alert.

Enable System Emails for Requests - Enables/Disables the system emails associated with changing the status of a request.

Reply to Address for Request Tasks - Specify the Email Address to be used as the Reply To on all scheduled Request related Task e-mail alerts.

Show Budget/Spend Alerts on Request Details Screen - Displays Budget/Spend Alert warnings on top of Request Details Screen if PO Module is purchased: default is true to show the alerts.

Tasks Group:

Email Body Beginning Text - Specify the beginning text for the body of Request related task email alerts. (Default= The following task is expiring:)

Email Body Ending Text
- Specify the ending text for the body of Request task email alerts. (Default= Please log in and review this alert.)

Email Subject Line - Specify the text to append to the subject line of Request task email alerts. (Default= Request related Task Alert:)

Include Request Record Info - Display Request information on all Request related task email alerts.

Timers Group:

Request Tasks Email Timer - Set how often Request task email alerts are sent (in minutes) - Specify 0 to disable. (Default= 30)

Request Tasks Escalation Timer
- Set how often escalations to Request tasks are checked (in minutes) - Specify 0 to disable. (Default= 60)
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