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01. Creating a Notification Template   
Page last modified on Monday, November 29, 2021 2:43 PM (by Adam Widmeier) (initially created on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 4:01 PM)
Assigned to: Alerts & Notifications
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Alerts & Notifications: Creating a Notification Template


Cobblestone includes a page in the Manage/Setup menu for Notification Templates. Notification templates are user-defined template-based messages sent to the employee assigned to the record (akin to the three out-of-the-box date alerts). 


From the Menu

A. Clicking Create Notification Template brings the user to a screen that allows them to begin the process of creating a new Notification Template. After clicking this option, the user is brought to the following screen, revealing all fields that may apply and are necessary upon creation. Also on this screen is the side menu, which includes many important features (listed below).


B. Clicking Notification Template List will bring the user to a list of all existing Notification Templates. From here, the user may make changes or get rid of desired Notification Templates if necessary.

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