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Friday, October 8, 2021

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Page last modified on Friday, April 3, 2015 11:57 AM (by Chris McCafferty) (initially created on Friday, April 3, 2015 11:27 AM)
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Overview - E-Approvals Processing

Once you access the Document Collaboration portal for E-Approvals you will see the screen below.

1.  This is where you will download the document that is being reviewed. If document check out is forced you will have to check the document out. Once you review the document and make changes (if necessary) then you will save the document to your computer and the “Upload” button to the left of the “Download” button will become active. If no changes are made to the document you can simply click “Check In.”  If changes are made you will need to upload a file. After the button is active you will select the file and then title the new version and click “Upload New Version.”

2.  Once you have checked the document in or uploaded a new version you will click the approve button to complete your job for the E-Approval Process.
3.  Here you can look at previous versions of the document.
4.  You can leave comments here in this section about any questions or comments you might have. PLEASE NOTE: These comments are about the file not within the file. This is not a part of the red-lining or notes within the document when changes are being made to the document. 
5.  Clicking this button will actually reject the entire approval process. The user will first be asked to submit a reason why the process is being rejected.  Anyone who has already taken action on the document will be alerted as well as the employee assigned to oversee the process. This button should only be used if the person who clicks the button no longer wants the process to continue. If the button is pressed then a new process would have to be started if necessary.

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