Purchase Orders: Search for/Edit Line Items
Navigate to the Purchase Order Details screen and scroll down the screen to the PO Line Items section.
To Sort the PO Line Items Grid
Click the name of the column by which to sort by: once to sort ascending, a second time to sort descending, and a third time to remove the sort order from the grid.

To Filter the PO Line Items Grid
Enter the keyword(s) into the filter text box for the column by which to filter the grid. Click the filter icon ( ) to select the means of filtering the grid based on the keyword(s) entered.
To Edit a Purchase Order Line Item
1. Click View link for the line item to open the Item Details screen.

2. To edit a field on the PO Line Item Details screen, click the pencil icon ( ) for the field you would like to edit. Upon making the appropriate changes, click Save Record to save the edit. Alternatively, click the X in the upper-right corner to cancel.

3. A user with the appropriate permissions can also edit all a Field Group’s fields at once, by clicking the pencil icon next to the Field Group name.

4. Upon saving the changes, the Item Details screen again displays.
