Finally, Contract Insight offers configuration settings for a variety of other aspects of the Vendor/Client Gateway.

External Web Address for Help Content: Declares the URL Web Address for help content on the Vendor/Client Gateway.
Gateway Website Address: Stores the Web Address of the Vendor/Client Gateway (this is set and maintained by the system and should not be changed).
Search Grids Page Size: Allows Application Administrators to set the default number of results to be displayed on each page in the search grids.
Show/Hide Create Account Captcha: Allows application administrators to specify if the builtin captcha is used on the signup page.
Show/Hide Login Captcha: Allows application administrators to specify if the builtin captcha is used on the login page.

Help Email Notifications Sent To: Allows Application Administrators to specify an email address(s) to receive Help emails submitted from the Vendor/Client Gateway.
Vendor/Client Signup Email Notification: Allows Application Administrators to specify an email address(es) to be notified on Vendor/Client signups to the Gateway.