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Friday, October 8, 2021

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Template Overview   
Page last modified on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 5:01 PM (by Adam Widmeier) (initially created on Monday, December 5, 2011 8:33 AM)
Assigned to: Manage Document Package Template
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Manage Document Package Templates: Adding a New Template

Note: Only authorized or licensed users may have access to this functionality.

1. To begin the Document Template Process, navigate to Manage/Setup > Document Templates > New Document Package Template.

The Document Authoring Manager Template Overview screen displays.


1.  Title: Create a friendly name for the template
2.  Description: Create a brief description for the template (Optional)
3.  Template Area: Select the area of the system you will be using the template for (e.g. Contracts & Committals). The document Authoring module can be used for different areas of the system.


4.  Email on Change: Input an email address to be emailed if the template is changed. Do not populate this field until initial template creation is complete.
5.  Is Active Template: Can this template be used right now in the system?
6.  Participant Authentication (For Doc Authoring Module): How will participants sign in to make modifications or sign the document using the eApproval and/or eSignature processes?
7.  Allow IntelliSigning(For Doc Authoring Module): Can IntelliSign
 be used for this template?

Click Save and Continue to open the
Document Authoring - (2)Select Mergable Fields screen.

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