Contract Insight supports the ability to create user-configurable and flexible workflow tasks. These workflow tasks can be configured based on any record field value or combination of field values. Workflows can be created for any existing tables (Contracts, Requests, Employees, Vendors/Customers, Solicitations) as well as for user-defined sub-tables.
Workflow automatically create tasks (calendar and e-mail alerts). Each time a new record is entered into the system and, if setup to do so, each time a record is updated, the system automatically creates tasks on/for that record. Tasks are assigned to an individual employee and can also be assigned to a group of employees (in addition to the individual employee assigned). You can also setup the Task start dates, end dates, notify days, repeat on an interval (weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually for recurring alerts) and can be escalated to another employee if needed. Finally, when a task is completed or rejected, application admins can specify a field or several fields to be automatically updated.
NOTE: Workflows created will only be applied to (create Tasks for) existing records when that record's field (that is in the actual Workflow Criteria) is updated. Workflow will not be applied to/run against existing records automatically by the system.

We'll go into more depth on workflow construction and editing in the related pages - Create a New Workflow, Criteria Creation & Management, Task Creation & Management, and Field Update on Complete/Reject.